P-40.1, r. 3 - Regulation respecting the application of the Consumer Protection Act

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79.13. A debt settlement service contract which provides the services provided for in paragraph a or b of section 214.12 of the Act must comply with the following standard contract and provide as many lines as necessary to meet all the requirements:
Date: ............................................................................
(date on which contract is entered into)
Place: .............................................................................
(place where contract is entered into)
(name of merchant)
(address of merchant)
(telephone number of merchant)
(where applicable, technological address of merchant)
(merchant’s permit number)
(name of consumer)
(address of consumer)
1. Detailed description of each of the goods and services to be provided under the contract
2. Scheduled dates for the performance of the merchant’s obligations
3. Charges and fees that the consumer may be required to pay IF ALL the propositions are ACCEPTED by the creditors
4. List of creditors disclosed by the consumer and the amount and description, including the credit rate, of each of their claims
5. Total amount owed to creditors by the consumer
6. Proposal the merchant undertakes to make to each of the consumer’s creditors, including the terms and conditions of payment proposed for each debt
7. The amount of any payment to be made to the merchant by the consumer for remittance to the creditors, and the frequency and dates of the payments
8. The merchant will receive or attempt to receive amounts from a creditor as consideration for entering into the contract (one of the boxes below must be checked)
 ⃞ Yes
⃞ No
9. If applicable, a description of the goods received in payment, as a trade-in or no account, their quantity, and the priced agreed on for each of them
10. The term and expiry date of the contract
11. The consumer may resolve the contract at the consumer’s sole discretion within 10 days after that on which each of the parties is in possession of a copy of the contract.
O.C. 994-2018, s. 48.